The Bliss of Buoyant Beliefs...
The key is to not be attached to anything you currently believe to be true, allow the truth to take whatever form is non-illusory and if it doesn’t match your version of reality, let that be okay. You must be just as willing to be wrong, as you are to be right - or your experience will be one of great fear and suffering.
Dancing by Swamp Light...
To be whole again there needs to be integration, a joining of halves, a blending of lost parts of yourself.
Caterflies & Butterpillars...
There's a great mystery in the process, we know the scientific explanation but even knowing how it happens doesn't preclude the mystery. This is probably why we resonate with this cycle on a spiritual level; there’s a common sense of ‘not knowing’ what happens to us between our death and our birth as well, and here it is happening right in front of us but we still can't quite 'see' it.
Feel the Emptiness...
So today, the Sun shone as Spirit through the Soul of the Moon, the learning we gained is best imbibed by drinking of it fully, until you are overflowing - then…like a teapot (or a bottle of wine) - ‘tip me over and pour me out’.
Go On...Tempt Me with your Soft Glow
Truly I’m in a weird space today, so much going on, I feel like I’m in a vortex that is just lifting me up higher and higher and I’m trusting in the process and beauty of life to show me the way. Life, death, rebirth…the cycle is all. The cycle is all.