Healing Options…

  • In a Reiki consultation, the practitioner is not the healer; they create a healing space by directing Reiki (Universal Life Energy) to the client, within which the client can affect their own restoration. Reiki gently encourages balance within the body to facilitate healing on all levels.

    During a treatment, you are fully clothed under a blanket and lay comfortably in a dimly lit room with soft music playing, I may lay my hands upon you but not always, it is an intuitive process. The healing takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Many people get regular Reiki treatments, others come once or twice a year, it’s completely directed by the client.

    After a Reiki treatment, the client may feel more relaxed and have a sense of being more ‘centred’ than before. This feeling is closer to the natural way of being for most of us, though hard to achieve in a busy lifestyle. It is from this place we can heal ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually.

    Repeated sessions can affect a greater spiritual connection through which a stronger sense of Self can emerge. We begin to feel better about ourselves and more accepting of others…a shift to a brighter and happier Self.

    Reiki Healing session: AU$80 in person, or AU$60 for a distance session.

    BOOK IN HERE for an in person session.

    BOOK IN HERE for a Distance Healing.

  • People are usually attracted to a Pellowah healing when the time is right for them - they are drawn to it. Pellowah works particularly well on deep emotional issues which may be holding you back, it also works well on those with very busy minds. This type of healing gives clarity; people are drawn to this type of healing when they are going through a time of change or a juncture within their lives ~ Pellowah means “radical shift in consciousness”.

    A Pellowah Healing takes 45 minutes to 1 hour. You are fully clothed and lay comfortably in a dimly lit room, no music. No touch is involved as it is a “hands off” healing process. Usually 1 to 4 healing sessions are required, although it’s totally directed by the client.

    Pellowah continues to work over the next 24 hours and needs this time to fully integrate. It is important during this time to drink lots of water to facilitate the healing and to abstain from giving or receiving other forms of healing. It is best to avoid alcohol for a full day following a treatment also.

    Pellowah Healing: AU$80 in person, or AU$60 for a distance session.

    BOOK IN HERE for an in person Pellowah session.

    BOOK IN HERE for a Distance healing.

  • Why would I choose to have an Arbah Healing?

    An Arbah healing is especially helpful for those who have tried to work through deeply embedded behavioural patterns but are unable to progress past them. It helps to shift those persistent negative thought patterns that hold us back causing frustration and stress.

    What happens during and after my Arbah Healing session?

    Sitting comfortably with your eyes closed, a segment of your aura is temporarily removed and infused with ‘codes’ with the intent that once returned (‘re-grafted’) they will duplicate throughout the aura encouraging change from the ‘outside – in’. Some people ‘feel’ the removal and re-grafting of the aura segment, others may feel nothing. As with all energetic healings, it’s best to have no expectations about how you may experience it. If you’ve opted for the Distance Arbah the process

    It can often be a quick process or it can take a little longer, it completely depends on how long it takes for the ‘codes’ to be placed into your aura segment, usually between 10-20 minutes.

    The effects of the healing can take 2 - 6 weeks to fully integrate, the ‘codes’ will be moving throughout your aura during this time and you may notice subtle (or not-so-subtle) positive and perhaps unexpected changes to your inner and outer personality and feelings. You may notice that you are more patient with yourself and others, or that you ‘respond’ rather than ‘react’ to stressful situations; there is no way to predict this as each person experiences the results differently and in a way that is unique to them.

    The energy can be accepted or rejected by the recipient; it can help to be consciously open to these positive changes over the 2 - 6 week period. The subconscious mind may resist the new personality traits so it’s important to be the ‘observer’ and be aware of your reactions and feelings during this time.

    A Pellowah session directly after an Arbah can be beneficial to the process, and regular follow up Pellowah sessions may help to support you during the weeks that follow an Arbah healing but are not essential.

    How often should I have an Arbah Healing?

    An Arbah Healing used to be done only once in a person’s lifetime however, Arbah has evolved and changed with the current energetic tide, and has now become a modality that can be used at different stages of a person's life-path, if they are drawn to it. It is not something to be done every month, but rather at different and pertinent junctures of your life. You will know when it's time for another session as it will let itself be known to you, it might 'pop' into your mind often and you’ll ‘feel’ the need for another session, or you may perhaps hear it mentioned in conversation and your ears prick up!

    BOOK IN HERE for an in person Arbah Healing.

    BOOK IN HERE for a Distance Arbah Healing.