A Whispered Missive to the Moon...
“It’s time to evolve, time to transform. Thank the Past for the hard but necessary lessons, you are now dissolving what you believed to be true and waking up to what is: TRUTH; the transparent honesty of it - with TRUTH nothing is hidden, there is no ambiguity, no doubt. You’re able to FEEL TRUTH in your body if you pause to sense it. You can finally understand that you are (and have always been) a receiver that can discern TRUTH from falsehood. There is so much to look forward to, so much to prepare for.”
The Addiction of Belief
In any given moment, there is a doorway that must be consciously opened. Becoming cognisant of the door and the opportunity to open it, is called Awareness.
The Organic Nature of Belief
Beliefs should not stop us from growing into our own Awareness, and they should be regularly reassessed, re-evaluated, and challenged.
The Bliss of Buoyant Beliefs...
The key is to not be attached to anything you currently believe to be true, allow the truth to take whatever form is non-illusory and if it doesn’t match your version of reality, let that be okay. You must be just as willing to be wrong, as you are to be right - or your experience will be one of great fear and suffering.
Do Good Habits Drink Herbal Tea?
Whatever beliefs you are wanting to change, you can do it. We’re not static beings, we’re dynamic and ever-changing. We are beings of unlimited power – living in a cage of our own making, a cage made of our beliefs about ourselves and the world we perceive with our senses. Make the change, it doesn’t mean you have to don a flying suit and jump off a mountain, it just means you can become the person you know is hiding inside.
Do Bad Habits Drink Tea?
Self-Imposed Limitations are like unwanted house guests – we invite them in for cup of tea only to realise they’re staying the night and before you know it they’ve become part of the furniture and the idea of living without them is too hard to bear…so we keep them around.