A Whispered Missive to the Moon...

“It’s time to evolve, time to transform. Thank the Past for the hard but necessary lessons, you are now dissolving what you believed to be true and waking up to what is: TRUTH; the transparent honesty of it - with TRUTH nothing is hidden, there is no ambiguity, no doubt. You’re able to FEEL TRUTH in your body if you pause to sense it. You can finally understand that you are (and have always been) a receiver that can discern TRUTH from falsehood. There is so much to look forward to, so much to prepare for.”

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Caterflies & Butterpillars...

There's a great mystery in the process, we know the scientific explanation but even knowing how it happens doesn't preclude the mystery. This is probably why we resonate with this cycle on a spiritual level; there’s a common sense of ‘not knowing’ what happens to us between our death and our birth as well, and here it is happening right in front of us but we still can't quite 'see' it.

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Astrology Astrology

Go On...Tempt Me with your Soft Glow

Truly I’m in a weird space today, so much going on, I feel like I’m in a vortex that is just lifting me up higher and higher and I’m trusting in the process and beauty of life to show me the way. Life, death, rebirth…the cycle is all. The cycle is all.

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