The Bliss of Buoyant Beliefs...
The key is to not be attached to anything you currently believe to be true, allow the truth to take whatever form is non-illusory and if it doesn’t match your version of reality, let that be okay. You must be just as willing to be wrong, as you are to be right - or your experience will be one of great fear and suffering.
The Life Tree
I have grieved for my Father, my Mother, my brother, and my nephew. While each loss felt different, I knew each to be like an energetic amputation that left me changed. It feels like you are smaller, sometimes my edges were jagged, sometimes they were soft and porous. Sometimes my body would feel unreal to me, lighter, nebulous, sometimes it would feel heavy, burdensome.
A Dandelion in the Gutter…
I wonder if she realised how important that moment was to someone sitting in a car not 2 metres away… I doubt it, but then we never really know how our existence can impact another person, especially those we haven’t met. While she was experiencing the dandelion, I was experiencing her, experiencing the dandelion…
Feel the Emptiness...
So today, the Sun shone as Spirit through the Soul of the Moon, the learning we gained is best imbibed by drinking of it fully, until you are overflowing - then…like a teapot (or a bottle of wine) - ‘tip me over and pour me out’.